And the most important thing about this concert was Ildebrando of course. Evidently I want to marry him, any time, anywhere. He is the short, good looking Italian MAN I totally adore. And yes, he can sing too. And he is not a histerical tenor. (And I saw him, YESSSS, from really close...)
Anyway. It was a really simple, but in the same time brilliant and exciting performance. Concert version, so there was no other option for anybody besides the music/singing and some acting. And the conductor, the adorable Adam Fischer (yes, he was the conductor of Cecilia's Maria album) who was conducting without the score - and he was playing along with the singers. The Don Giovanni-Leporello duo was a typical handsome man-big belly man partnership, in this case really funny. Donna Anna (Krassimira Stoyanova) was superb, his usually "without balls" Don Ottavio seemed to have balls this time, even he was a jump-in-singer - Saimir Pirgu. Zerlina had big boobies with a glittering voice, sometime a bit overplayed, and his Masetto was forgettable, but generally Masettos are not so important... They just get beatened.
Donna Elvira's singing was also excellent (whole cast see in my previous post, I'm too lazy now to copy everybody, shame on me), and the Commendatore's acting was too statuesqe, but as you know he is becoming a statue, so you are not wondering about this.
And our beloved Ildebrando d'Archangelo, the owner of the most beautiful Italian name on earth, was sexy and funny, and whatsoever. (Last time I saw him in October, again Don Giovanni, but he was singing the part of Leporello, and I was sitting 2327657621546 meters away in the audience, in the last row at the MET, I didn't realize that he is so good. And I have to admit as well that I fell asleep after 5 minutes, because the jetlag... Sorry...)
So please Ildebrando, after marrying me, keep singing DonGiovanni (with Erwin Schrott as Leporello, of course) and I can die FELICE :))))
And evidently, thank you Wolfie for writing this THING for us. The world needed it.
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