Saturday, April 25, 2009

Breaking news - finally I will have it!!!!!! But what???

FINALLY... Very soon I will have the DVD of this amazing movie...
Here you are, the poster, so you know what I will be watching...

But unfortunately I still don't know what to do.... Evidently I wanted to watch this really sad movie at a cinema, but as Hungary is really far from the civilization, the next possibility to see this "live" was in Vienna...
And you know that it is way more coooler to cry around during this opera in a big movie theater with cinema sound and to see Anna+Rolando's big face in front of you like they were giants...
And it is sooo lame to watch this only at home on your small tv. So I have to go to a friends house who has big screen tv or something like that. But I think I don't have a friend like that... Awwww what a shame.
Anyway, I try to watch this in a good qualitiy and to convince somebody to join me at my 'Let's see the Boheme and cry a lot'-Party. And then I will let you know if Anna is still so beautiful as usual.

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