Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Because I have to

Thanks to (user) PerTeQuaggiu on youtube (http://www.youtube.com/user/PerTeQuaggiu), our beloved Master is alive, more than ever. So you just have to check this user's channel, and you will find sooooomany interesting footage of Giacomo & co. He is hunting, using the modern technology like the motor boat, motorcycle and whatsoever. And besides composing which is obvious he had to do, he is talking to women. So you can se HIM flirting with a girl in the village. Ok, maybe I was just thinking that he is doing that...

Those videos are evidently silent movies, BUT, if you have never heard the Maestro's voice, just listen to this. In 1907, during the preparations for La Fanciulla del West, he went to NYC together with his wife, and their voice was recorded. So here you are: Giacomo (and ELVIRA!!!!) talking to the people of America.

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